How To Purchase IOTA

As of right now, purchasing IOTA is a bit tricky. Many exchange websites have not begun offering MIOTA yet. This is a guide on how you can start investing in the IOTA cryptocurrency today.
Step 1: Purchase BTC/ETH/LTC
For this I use Coinbase. I would recommend buying Litecoin (LTC) because it has the fastest transaction speed due to network congestion within BTC/ETH.
Step 2: Exchanging to IOTA
There are currently two websites exchanging these coins to IOTA
If you are in the United States, I recommend using Binance. Once you have deposited you BTC/ETH/LTC into one of these exchange websites, simply look for the MIOTA/(your coin) exchange listing and buy however many MIOTA you would like.
Step 3: Transferring Your IOTA
Because of network congestion, you might have trouble moving your MIOTA to wallet. This is normal due to it’s high demand and you will need wait until a less busy time to move your coins.
If you don’t know how create a MIOTA wallet, I will be making a video/text tutorial for this very soon so lookout!


  1. It is a great blog and I would like to thank you a lot for making us aware of such a precious information about the IOTA cryptocurrency. Thanking you. Please keep on updating us more and more details and information.


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